Innovation Academy Online
Host Schools

This year marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the IA Online. In August of 2022, we began collaborating even more closely with other forward-thinking international schools as we now teach and design courses together. Our IA Online Host Schools are below and we are excited to work together to connect our students and teachers through meaningful learning experiences.

The American School of Lima, Peru

The IA and the IA Online were both started at The American School of Lima, Peru (Colegio Roosevelt). Now, Roosevelt will continue to lead the way for innovation in education by becoming one of the founding Host Schools and connecting more international schools to the program. The IA Online will also be operated through Roosevelt’s non-profit Foundation in the United States.

American International School of Budapest

We are honored to have AISB as one of the founding IA Online Host Schools. They are a top international school in Europe and will be using IA Online courses as part of their new Innovation Diploma that they will be launching during the 2023-2024 school year.

The American School of Guatemala

Colegio Americano de Guatemala (CAG) has been one of the IA Online Partner Schools since the program began back in July of 2020. They are a leader in progressive education in Central America, and we’re thrilled to have them as one of our founding Host Schools next year.

United World College of South East Asia

UWCSEA will become the fourth IA Online Host School during the 2023-2024 school year. Their powerful mission of using education as a “force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future” aligns beautifully with the mission and values of the IA Online. As our first Host School in Asia, UWCSEA will act as our hub for connecting students and teachers throughout the region!

Colegio Pedro de Valdivia Peñalolén

Colegio Pedro de Valdivia Peñalolén (CPV) is located in Santiago, Chile and they are committed to the social-emotional learning of their students. They also strive to give their learners international experiences and global connections, and we are excited to welcome them as our newest IA Online Host School.